Healthcare: Empowering Lives, Transforming Futures

Healthcare Protection: Empowering Lives, Transforming Futures

"If I have health insurance, I can save 80% of my hospital fees, and then my children will have enough food for their meals," shared Mrs. Thuy, the mother of two children.

Mrs. Thuy is living in poor conditions: her husband used to be the main earner, but his severe kidney disease has left him unable to work regularly. Without health insurance and money for treatment, her husband had no other choice but to endure the pain. 

They live in an unsafe house built with leaves and plastic panels, and with two small children still going to school, the weight of life's burdens appears clearly on the mother's gaunt face .

She suffers from various diseases, and whenever the weather changes, she has to go to the hospital for treatment. Unfortunately, because of to their impoverished state and lack of health insurance, she hesitates to visit doctors, opting to endure the pain on her own.

Fortunately, Thien Chi became aware of Mrs. A's situation and provided for her with health insurance. This insurance enables her to have monthly health check-ups and saves her 80% on hospital fees. She is now genuinely happy because she has improved her health, allowing her to work and provide for her children.

Why are health insurances important for poor people?

Health may not be a primary concern for individuals living in poverty, as their priorities often revolve around meeting basic needs such as food, education for their children, and other essential expenses. However, when they encounter illness or medical conditions, the financial burden of healthcare expenses quickly becomes overwhelming. Without health insurance coverage, they have to bear the cost of medical care, often resorting to high-interest borrowing. Consequently, even when their health improves, they still find themselves in dire financial situations.

Poor people often face significant barriers in accessing healthcare due to financial constraints. Supporting health insurance for the poor is crucial because it provides them with financial protection, ensuring they can receive necessary medical care without incurring high out-of-pocket expenses. It helps reduce inequalities in healthcare access. It also promotes equity by ensuring that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has equal opportunities to receive quality healthcare services. Additionally, health insurance can provide preventive and early intervention services, promoting overall health and well-being among the poor population.

How does health insurance work?

Health insurance provides financial protection by covering a portion of medical expenses (usually around 80%). It promotes affordability, timely treatment, and overall better health outcomes for the insured population.

Thousands of health insurances have already been provided by Thien Chi, and there are many families looking for the chance to own health insurance cards. Considering the importance of health insurance for vulnerable communities, we are now seeking 300 cards for poor people. Your small actions can give a better live to many families!
