Medical support #6: Trần Thị Bé Lan

Healing Hearts: Empowering Tran Thi Be Lan's Journey to Hope

In a small village called Thon 1, within Duc Hanh commune in Duc Linh district, lived Mrs. Tran Thi Be Lan. With their hard-earned savings, Mr. and Mrs. Lan built a beautiful home. 

However, their lives took a tragic turn when Mrs. Lan discovered her chronic kidney disease thirteen years ago. They had to sell everything, including their land, to afford treatment. Before the local hospital had a dialysis machine, Mr. Lan, her husband, had to take her to a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City for blood filtration. At home, their two children cared for each other without their parents. Mrs. Lan confided, tearfully, "I live for my children's sake, to be their mother.

But now, I feel disabled." Thanks to the nearby Nam Binh Thuan hospital, they could do dialysis three times a week. Mrs. Lan became immobile, relying on Mr. Lan for daily care. Their small home, with just 1.5 acres of rice fields and 2 acres of cashew trees, barely provided enough income. Mr. Lan took extra work to make ends meet, as their neighbors knew their struggles. Their two children continued their studies, one in vocational college and the other in 12th grade. Mr. Lan, in his 50s, persevered day by day, hoping his children will thrive. 

Mrs. Lan hoped for assistance to ease the medical expenses, giving her respite from her hardships and the motivation to overcome her illness.
