Achievements in the First 6 months of 2024 - Education

23/07/2024 Views: 234

We are proud to share the significant progress and achievements of our education program during the first half of 2024. Thanks to the support of our donors and partners, we have been able to make a meaningful impact on the lives of many students and their families. Here are some key accomplishments:

1. Scholarship Fundraising and Distribution:

o Raised funds for 105 scholarships for poor high school students for the 2023-2024 school year.

o Provided 58 monthly scholarships for 58 disadvantaged students, with an average amount of $13 per month.

o Supported two scholarships for university students, helping them continue their higher education.

2. Library and Reading Initiatives:

o Established a new library at a secondary school in Tanh Linh district, benefiting 2,692 students who now have access to a variety of books and learning materials.

3. Special Needs Education:

o Provided early intervention and education for 35 children with special needs in Duc Linh district, ensuring they receive the support and resources necessary for their development.

4. Technology for Education:

o Distributed 19 second-hand laptops to disadvantaged university students in Duc Linh and Ham Thuan Nam districts, enhancing their ability to succeed in their studies.

5. Adult Education and Training:

o Conducted a total of 80 training sessions for adults on topics such as health and preventable diseases, waste segregation, women's rights, and agricultural skills and techniques. These sessions reached and built the capacity of 1,032 participants.

We are grateful for the ongoing support and look forward to continuing our efforts to improve education and provide opportunities for students and their communities. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

For more details and updates on our initiatives, please visit our website.

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