The family of Ms. Lê Thị Xuân resides in Nam Hà Hamlet, Đông Hà Commune, Đức Linh District. They are classified as an extremely poor household in the commune. Their deteriorating 20m² house was temporarily covered with tarps and tin sheets for shelter. With no farmland of their own, they relied on borrowing five sào (approximately 5,000m²) from Ms. Xuân’s parents to grow corn and earn a living.

Due to financial hardship, the family joined a microfinance program in March 2017. The household consists of four members: the couple and their two young children. Their income depended entirely on the five sào of cornfield, but frequent crop failures due to low productivity and lack of funds for fertilizers and pesticides made it difficult to sustain. The family’s financial struggles led to frequent conflicts, and eventually, Ms. Xuân’s husband left, leaving her alone to care for their two children. She had to manage both childcare and farm work, including taking her children to school, which was far away. As a result, her monthly income was only 485,000 VND per person.
After joining the microfinance program, Ms. Xuân participated in training sessions on farming and animal husbandry. She received financial support to build a pigsty and purchase fertilizers and pesticides for her cornfield. In October 2020, Thiện Chí provided her with two piglets to raise as breeding sows, helping her increase her household income. With dedicated care, her pigs reproduced successfully, and she earned additional income from both pig farming and corn cultivation, while also taking on extra labor work.
As her house had become too dilapidated to live in, she borrowed from the bank, her parents, and used her own savings to build a new house worth nearly 200 million VND in 2021.
Thanks to her perseverance, willingness to learn, and the financial support from Thiện Chí, she used the funds effectively, leading to improved productivity and a stable income of 1,602,000 VND per person per month. Today, her family enjoys a stable life, owns two breeding pigs, has purchased a motorbike, and can support her children’s education. The family is extremely grateful to Thiện Chí for providing the financial support and technical knowledge that helped them achieve their current stability.